Compu-Food Analysis is your food label maker. We will provide you with nutrition fact labels in PDF format. The nutrition labels will be sent via e-mail and can be formatted to your packaging needs. There are new rules with the nutrition labels and the sizing on you packaging starting July, 26th 2016. Compu-Food Analysis will provide you with all of the necessary information to make sure that you are following the FDA’s regulations and guidelines. Compu-Food Analysis is able to test the nutritional content of food with our database or our food lab. Our food lab is accredited for technical competence in the field of biological testing.
Compu-Food Analysis has multiple options of services, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you do not see exactly what you are looking for on our web page. We work very closely with all of our customers and will help you as much as possible.
About Our Nutrition Analysis and Food Label Packages
The main package that we offer that pertains to most companies is the “Full Database Analysis package”. With this pack you will be provided with the nutrition fact label, the ingredient statement and the allergen declaration. You will receive instructions as to how your nutrition label, ingredient statement and allergen declaration need to be placed on you packaging. In order for us to supply you with this information we will need you to complete our questionnaire with your recipe listing each ingredient by weight based upon a batch. We will supply you with a confidentiality agreement upon the request of a quote. We request that you please sign and return the quote when you submit your questionnaire for analysis. We also offer discounts on other packages if you use this package first.
The next service that we offer is the “Nutrition/Supplement fact Panel” only package. With this you will be provided with the nutrition label for your packaging. We will use the FDA’s most current guideline to determine the serving size for your product. In order to complete the package we will need you to complete the questionnaire with your recipe listing each ingredient by weight based upon a batch. We will supply you with a confidentiality agreement upon the request of a quote. We request that you please sign and return the quote when you submit your questionnaire for analysis. We also offer discounts on other packages if you use this package first.
Should you choose to have Compu-Food Analysis, Inc. complete the nutrition label initially and then at a later date have us complete the ingredient statement and allergen declaration there may be some additional information that we will need.
Compu-Food Analysis also has a package that will provide you with nutrition fact information only. This information would be provided to you on a Word document or excel spreadsheet. This information is based upon 100 grams of product and will be provided with the Certificate of Analysis. In order to complete this we will need you to complete our questionnaire with your recipe listing each ingredient by weight based upon a batch. We will supply you with a confidentiality agreement upon the request of a quote. We request that you please sign and return the quote when you submit your questionnaire for analysis.
Food Laboratory Analysis
Laboratory Analysis is also one of the main services we provide. We can test for multiple components of your product, from the required nutrient testing for nutrition labels to pesticide testing for your fruits and vegetables. Lab testing that is available include mineral, metal, vitamin, microbiological and more. Please call us at 1-800-738-3294 for a quote on you specific testing needs.
We also have a package that is best suited for restaurants and their current requirements. With this package you would receive nutrition fact information based upon one serving for each menu item. The nutrition fact information would be provided on a excel document and show the exact values of each nutrient that is required on a nutrition fact label. In order to complete the excel spreadsheet for you we will need you to supply us with you recipes. These are generally sent to us on an excel spreadsheet with each category of food on a different tab, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, sandwiches, burgers, salads, etc.. We will need the brand names for each processed ingredient to complete the analysis.
Upon having Compu-Food Analysis, Inc. complete your nutrition analysis we suggest that you use us to complete your packaging review. With the packaging review we make sure that you are complaint with all of the information you have provided to your customers. This will include the weights listed, claims made, label sizing, font sizing, spelling, etc..
If you have any questions about the services that Compu-Food Analysis, Inc. provides please do not hesitate to contact us. Our toll free number is 1-800-738-3294. If we are unable to get to the phone please make sure that you leave a voice message. We will call you back as soon as possible.
Please choose Compu-Food Analysis, Inc. as your nutrition analysis company. You will not be disappointed!